The new Audiences report – Overview and how to configure

Google Analytics has launched the new Audiences report. This is a very new report so you might not see it yet.
The meaning of this audience in this report is:
Audience to which users belonged during the current date range. Inclusion in an audience depends on when the audience was created, and whether users match the audience definition.
As we know in analytics the meaning of audiences is users that you group together based on any combination of attributes, such as users that viewed a specific page, completed a goal, purchased/viewed any or a specific product, spend more than X time in site…
We can obviously be more detailed and segment users that returned to our site after more than 14 days that they didn’t visit. Viewed product A didn’t view product B, purchased product C etc.
Using the new Audiences report
Before we begin you need to notice that:
1. You need to make sure that you enabled the Demographics and Interests.
2. Data for the current day is not available in this report.
3. You can have a maximum of 20 audiences published to Analytics, at any one time.
4. Currently, sequence segments are NOT supported
Until this report, in order to compare several audiences, we needed to create a custom report (or use the User Defined report). Then we needed to add all segments we wanted to compare.
1. We can view up to 4 different segments (Audiences) at a time.
2. In order to share my report, you need all users to install all of your segments
3. In case you do any change within a segment you need to re-send the segment id to all users
4. Some users may create segments that didn’t include or exclude all users they intend to.
With the new Audiences report, we can avoid all of above.
Configuration for the new Audiences report
We first need to publish all Audiences.
To do this you can simply go to Admin -> Property -> Audience Definition -> Audiences -> New Audience -> Create New -> Next step
Then select the Analytics Property under the Add destination and Publish.
Add all Audiences you want, and you’re done with configuring.
Go to the Audiences report (under Audience) and expect to soon see your Audiences
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