Data Studio new features Sep-2017 release

Data Studio new release

Google Data Studio has released two days ago the latest version with more than 5 amazing features, some are real game changers!

I will go over them in depth, starting with the ones that are most important

New Data Studio features

1. embbeding iframe

I talked about the ability to embed your reports from Data Studio in your website as an iframe, now it’s live!
You can do this as simple as clicking on File->Embed reports
Data Studio new release - embedding iframe
Then you just copy the HTML code and paste it in your property
Data Studio new release - HTML code for iframe
Notice that by embedding your report you’re making it available everyone that has access to your preoperty

2. Custom connectors

Until this update, almost all data connectors were from either Google properties:
Google Analytics, Spreadsheet, AdWords, GCP sources, Search console, Youtube, Attribution…
And self-files, either as File upload (uploading a CSV table for example) or connecting to a MySQL server.
Since this update, you can upload your data from so many more connectors.
Supermetrics and Power My Analytics are the first ones that connected some of their API’s. So that now you can present in your Data Studio data from:
Facebook, Bing, Instagram, Twitter, MailChimp, Pinterest, Yahoo, Yandex, eBay Amazon and more
Data Studio new release - custom connectors

3. New data types in the Data Control

I talked about the ability to build one generic reports that present data from Google Analytics. Then you can change the Google Analytics view and all charts and filters will present data from the new view. You obviously need to make sure that if you present custom metrics, dimensions or goals – that they match your previous view.
Now you are able to switch your data set also between: AdWords, Search Console, YouTube, and DoubleClick Campaign Manager.
Data Studio new release - New data controls

4. Exporting data from charts

We’re now able to export data from our charts into CSV, Excel and Google Spreadsheets.
To do this you need to be in the view mode (not edit). Then right click on the chart you want to export, and choose the export type:
Data Studio new release - Exporting data from chart

5. Grand Total in tables

We’re all used to view tables with the grand total line. This wasn’t possible for some reason until this release.
Now it’s possible (only in tables). In the table property, under the DATA tab choose the Show summary row:
Data Studio new release - Grand total summary row

Bonus mystery feature

I’m not sure what is the meaning of exposing the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of your data sources:
Data Studio new release - Data ERD
I really hope that in their next release we’ll be able to declare keys and maybe even join some tables and write scripts for even more advanced features
Currently the only linking there is between different data sources is based on Date

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